The secret to the Mama Bear Nerve Relief Lotion is a special ingredient that tackles a root cause of nerve pain directly.
This ingredient soothes tingling and burning sensations in your hands and feet within minutes.
Have any guesses yet?
I'll spoil the surprise, it's magnesium. Yes, the same magnesium that studies show that over 80% of seniors are deficient in.
This isn't just any magnesium though, it's a special blend that seeps deep into the skin, addressing magnesium deficiency, which is said to be the root cause of inflammation, excited nerve endings, and muscular tension -- all of which are major contributors to neuropathy.
You can literally feel your hands and feet soothing and your whole body relaxing.
Your magnesium levels improve, inflammation goes away, and your muscles start to be relaxed all the time.
The best part?
Because it's so light and well-packaged, I am using it throughout my day-to-day too.
I can carry this around in my handbag everywhere, I always have it with me.
In fact, I bought 3 of them. 1 on my nightstand, 1 in my handbag, and 1 in my bathroom.
After just 7 days, I feel so much better. I'm sleeping throughout the night and my hands and feet aren't bothering me at all.
No more tossing and turning all night.
No more agonizing pain.
I woke rejuvenated, energized, and most importantly, rested enough to play with my grandchildren.